Since its founding in 1845, the IHM community has been committed to issues of justice.
The original mission – to educate young women – was a matter of justice; education provides opportunities and privileges not easily available to those without it.
In the 1960s, the focus on social justice and peace became a more conscious choice for congregational decisions. Sisters joined urban and civil rights groups to become informed on social issues and to influence decision-making.
In 1972, the IHM Sisters affirmed a commitment to channel the resources of the congregation, to eradicate the causes of injustice and oppression and to create and promote structures to correct inequities in society. In 1976, the community began its work in socially responsible investing through stock portfolio screening, proxy voting, alternative community investments, shareholder actions and collaborations within the corporate responsibility movement.
The IHM community continues to promote peace and non-violence, solidarity with the materially poor, economic justice and the development of an ecological consciousness in order to create a more just, peaceful and sustainable world.
Recognizing the many interconnected needs of the world, the work is focused around ecological integrity, social justice, economic justice and peacemaking and global solidarity. These issues correspond with the IHM community’s congregational priorities and with the fundamental principles outlined in The Earth Charter.