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All of our recent publications can be viewed online. If you would like to regularly receive them, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletters located below.  To protect your privacy, your address is never shared.

Published quarterly, highlighting news and events of the IHM Sisters as well as offering articles for reflection and contemplation. It is available by subscription or online.

IHM Sisters’ E-News
A bi-monthly electronic publication featuring short news items (with links to more information) and highlighting new content on in our website. It is emailed to subscribers and the most current issues are available online.

Garden Almanac 
A monthly spring and summer newsletter highlighting ecology programs, events, and the latest Community Garden news. Issues are available online.

Today and Yesterday
Since 2017, the IHM Archives has produced quarterly in-house newsletters that shared with the Sisters the stories of their own community. Now for the first time, these publications are available to a wider audience.  All content is from the Archives collections.

Worthy of Note Spotlight
The first edition of this newsletter reviews books that would make perfect Christmas books for friends or family.

IHM Monograph Series
The IHM Mission Integration Sponsorship Committee has long pondered how to invite others into the spirit and mission of the community. To that end, we have published five monographs. It is our hope that community members will use them in ministry and make them available to others. Hard copies will be available to use on specific occasions with various groups.

Overseas Update
A bi-yearly report on real-life stories of political and economic hardships overseas where our sisters live and minister. Recent issues are available below.