Spiritual direction is an opportunity for individuals to talk about their lives and their experiences of God with a person specially trained in areas such as spirituality, pastoral ministry and interpersonal communication.
The spiritual director, sometimes called a spiritual companion or guide, listens and explores with the person the signs of God’s activity in his or her life and the direction in which God seems to be calling.
Spiritual direction is a centuries-old practice in Christianity. In earlier times, it was sought mostly by people in religious life. Today, lay people increasingly seek spiritual direction as a path to spiritual growth.
Spirituality is not confined to a religion, nor is the experience of God felt only in church. While religion offers a rich tradition in which to nurture faith, experience profoundly shapes an individual’s image of the Divine. The IHM community offers an atmosphere of respect to all people who are engaged in the quest for God. A spiritual director helps to facilitate a person’s relationship with the Divine, by whatever name.
Locations and Appointments
Many IHM Sisters, Associates, and colleagues are trained in spiritual direction, which is currently offered both in person and virtually at all three IHM Spirituality Centers: The Motherhouse (Monroe), Maxis (Riverview), and Visitation (Bloomfield Hills).
Lynne Moldenhauer, IHM, Coordinator of Maxis IHM Spirituality in Riverview, Michigan, is beginning her internship in Spiritual Direction at Loyola University in Chicago. She is available to companion anyone seeking a deeper connection and awareness in their spiritual journey. To contact Sister Lynne, please call 734-250-8314 or email maxiscenter@ihmsisters.org.
For a referral in your area, contact River House Spirituality Center at 734-240-5494 or complete the form below and someone will get back to you.