As we celebrate the 175th anniversary of our founding, we are struck by the need to remember the past in order to envision our evolving future. We felt that our history, Building Sisterhood, is a good resource to do this. A few of us offered to see what we could do to bring forward some of the key chapters of that history and invite some reflection. Although this is of particular interest to IHM Sisters and Associates, we would like to extend an invitation to you to accompany us on this journey.
We asked Margaret Susan Thompson, consultant to the Building Sisterhood project and an IHM Associate, to do a series of short videos to energize us as to why history can awaken in us insights and possibilities for our future as well as the significance of each of the chapters.
During February (Chapter One), March and April, we will focus on one of the chapters, offering reflection questions and convening a SOG (self-organizing group) where anyone who wants can engage in conversation with others around that specific chapter. These will be held in Monroe and we will use ZOOM to accommodate those living at a distance. The dates are below. We also are planning a gathering on July 5 to share some of the insights and wisdom gleaned from the various conversations.
We look forward to exploring our history with you during one or more of the SOGS.
Chapter Two March 30 2–4:30 p.m. and 7–9:30 p.m.
Chapter Three April 25 1–3:30 p.m.
Sharing the Wisdom July 5 2–4 p.m.
Please let Barbara Childress,, know which one(s) you are interested in attending. You will receive further information about the call closer to the time.