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Our Community

Deep faith. Courageous spirit. Action for justice.

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, are Catholic women bound together in faith. Urged by the love of God to respond to the most serious needs of our time, we pursue justice, peace and sustainable ways of life.

Based in Monroe, Mich., our community of more than 215 vowed sisters and 112 associates ministers in education, pastoral care, spiritual development, social services, mental and physical health, and social justice—throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico, Mexico and South Africa.

We live the mission of Jesus in our time. The liberating mission of Jesus is alive in IHM Sisters. We are called to respond to the world’s most pressing needs. From our earliest and continued ministries in education to our growing commitment to justice and sustainability, we adapt our ministries to changing times.

We act on insights from study, prayer and contemplation. IHM Sisters are seekers and doers. We gain insights through intellectual study, contemplative prayer and apostolic lives and we are unafraid to act on what we learn. We trust in divine providence and our calling, and we are willing to take risks for the sake of the future.

We work to bring about peace, justice and sustainability. The focus of our prayer and work is to build a culture of peace and right relationship among ourselves, with the Church, and with the whole Earth community. We seek justice for all of God’s creation, in this world and beyond.