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Virtual Discernment: Practical tools for good decision-making

You never want to make an important decision in a hurry. The more important the choice, the more time is needed.

Seek information, weigh advantages and disadvantages and envision their consequences. Consult friends, family and experts.

But also pay attention to your heart. The heart’s wisdom is revealed to you through the feelings of desire, attraction, distaste or resistance. It is vital that you screen with your heart what you discover with our head. Whether others agree or not, ultimately you need to choose.

Meghan’s Story

My niece Meghan has always been a go-getter. In school, she excelled in math and science, and she decided to study premed in college, a sound and well thought-out choice. In college, she continued to do very well in math and science.

However, a funny thing happened. She discovered a passion for art history. In those classes she felt energized and alive but the science classes no longer held her interest. She looked forward to the art classes and had an intuitive ability to grasp the principles of art. She faced a serious dilemma: continue with pre-med, or switch to art history. She weighed the pros and cons, talked with family, professors and friends, and in the end realized she wouldn’t be as fulfilled in the scientific world as she would be in the art world. She followed her passion.

Many thought that studying art history was impractical, but she knew it was the right choice for her. Meghan was further confirmed in her decision by acceptance to the Courtauld Art History Program in London.

One aid in making good decisions in the present is to look back on good and poor choices in the past. Take a few moments to think about decisions you have made. What have you learned through them?

Reflective Prayer

“For this command which I enjoin on you today is not too mysterious and remote for you. No, it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in your hearts; you have only to carry it out.

I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life then that you and your descendents may live, by loving the Lord, your God, heeding his voice and holding fast to him. For that will mean life for you…”

Deuteronomy 30:11, 19-20

God wants rich life for you. As you read God’s words, what stirs in you?


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