Why am I here? What is the meaning of my life? Where is God calling me?
Within every person is a unique call from God. The question is where God is calling you – not an easy question to answer! Are you called to married life, single life, religious life? Will it be in medicine or teaching or engineering? The list could go on and on, and each of these is a call, a vocation.
Virtual Discernment Retreat
Part 1: How to make this retreat work for you
Part 2: Tools for good decision-making
Part 3: Learning about discernment
Part 4: Discernment
Part 5: Signs of a possible call to religious life
Part 6: What next?
What does that mean? Within you, in your likes and dislikes, your strengths and limitations, your unique gifts of personality and skill is the secret of your call, your vocation. Throughout this retreat you’ll be invited to reflect on your life:
- What makes you feel alive?
- What drains your energy?
- What are you good at?
As you pray through this retreat, you’re embarking on a marvelous journey. At the same time that you are seeking God and God’s plan in your life, God is seeking you as well. The God who loved you into being continues to create you even now. God is waiting. Are you ready?