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Theresa Maxis Award

MaxisTheresa Maxis was born in Baltimore in 1810 of a Haitian mother and British father. She was well educated and at 18, she helped found the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first congregation of women religious of color in the world.

While general superior of the Oblates, Theresa met Louis Florent Gillet, CSsR, who was seeking women religious for schools in the still-new state of Michigan. In 1845, with deep faith and a courageous spirit, Mother Theresa Maxis responded to God’s call to leave her community. She helped found a new congregation of educators: The Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Monroe, Mich.

The Theresa Maxis Award recognizes community leaders who embody the values and vision of Theresa Maxis and the IHM community: deep faith, pioneering spirit, service to the poor and commitment to justice.

As always, we appreciate your support of the Theresa Maxis Award. If you have any questions, please contact our development team at 734-240-9860 or

2023 recipient- Father Tim McCabe, SJ

2022 recipients – Tom and Yvonne Larabell

2021 recipient – Elizabeth A. Burns, MD, MA

2019 recipients – Kurt and Renee Darrow

2018 recipient – Nettie Seabrooks

2017 recipient – Mareda-Toni Babock, IHM Associate

2016 recipients – Frank Venegas Jr. and Sylvia Gucken

2015 recipient – Glenda D. Price, PhD