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2021 Royal Blue Classic Winners

2021 winning teams

Women’s 18-hole winners

First Place
Jan Mignano, IHM Assoc., Carla Schneider, Holly Laginess, Amy Marcero

Second Place
Judy McCusker, Denise Platz, Margaret Szymanski, MD, Chris Blanchette

Longest Putt – Tina Cosenza
Straightest Drive – Mary Alan Stuart, OP
Longest Drive – Holly Laginess
Closest to the Pin – Carla Schneider

Women’s nine-hole winners

First Place
Mary Ellen Charnley, Katie Malnar, Barbara Kozlowski, Sheila Hoetger

Straightest Drive – Michele Jones

Second Place
Carole Kopytek, Connie Brooks, Andrea Chabot, Michele Jones

Mixed nine-hole winners

First Place
Nancy Philpott, Jim Philpott, Mary Ellen Sheehan, IHM

Second Place

Men’s 18-hole winners

First Place
Joe Grech, Bill Goodwin, Bill Witt (not pictured), Tom Terrell (not pictured)

Second Place
Jason Franzen, Tyler Bassinger, Jeremy Rousselo, Steve Grigsby

Longest Putt – Dave Czerniakowski
Straightest Drive – Tom Terrell
Longest Drive – Bob Risch
Closest to the Pin – Ben Osborne

Mixed 18-hole winners

First place
Dan Brooks, John Sherman, Leslie Hill, Jason Bierlein

Second place
Erik Fix, Kim Fix, Bob Risch, Theresa Fix, IHM

Men’s nine-hole winners

First place
Josh Van, Dave Kampo, Sam Ruegsegger & Brian Crumm (not pictured)

Second Place
Richard McLaren, Richard Carbott, Steve Zdan, Thomas Pawley