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Center for Corporate Policy 

A nonprofit, non-partisan public interest organization working to curb corporate abuses and make corporations publicly accountable.


Works with investors, environmental groups and corporations to address the threat of global climate change through stockholder actions that influence corporate and public policies.

Corporate Accountability International

A membership organization protecting people by challenging irresponsible and dangerous corporate actions around the world.

Dollars and Sense 

Includes articles by journalists, activists and scholars on a broad range of topics with an economic theme.

Green America 

Focuses on economic strategies to solve social and environmental problems and mobilizes people to take personal and collective action in their economic roles. Another priority is worker justice.

Public Citizen 

A national, nonprofit consumer advocacy organization founded representing consumer interests in Congress, the executive branch and the courts.


“The Great American Job Scam”
Lakshmi Chaudhry, AlterNet, July 27, 2005

Online interview with Greg LeRoy, author of The Great American Job Scam: Corporate Tax Dodging and the Myth of Job Creation, covering fraudulent corporate tax breaks, the power relationship between corporations and politicians and the critical need for civic self-esteem

“Tomorrow’s Markets: Global Trends and Their Implications for Business”
Don S. Doering et. Al., 2002

It is becoming more and more apparent that treating broader social issues and corporate strategy as separate has been unwise, leading to missed opportunities and bad competitive choices.

“Consent of the Governed”
Jeffrey Kaplan, Orion Magazine, March 10, 2003

A thoughtful analysis of the waning of autonomy of state and local governments as corporations grow larger and gain more extensive rights under the U.S. Constitution

“The World is New, Part 2”
Peter Montague, Rachel’s Democracy & Health News, Nov. 3, 2006

In the past 50 years, corporations have grown almost unimaginably influential. Originally invented as a way for entrepreneurs to raise capital from strangers, publicly-traded corporations have proven to be extraordinarily successful and in many cases, growing bigger has become their main purpose.


The Corporate Examiner (Publication of ICCR)

The Green Money Journal