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Human Trafficking at Home: Labor Trafficking of Domestic Workers
By Polaris and the National Domestic Worker Alliance, July 2019

Domestic workers include nannies, house cleaners, and home health aides who are especially vulnerable to labor trafficking. Their work conditions leave them physically isolated and they are excluded from laws that protect other workers’ rights. This is why Polaris and the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) are drawing attention to the complex world of domestic work and labor trafficking in this report.

Sr. Gabriella Bottani Honoured as a Trafficking in Person (TIP) Report Hero
Talitha Kum, June 20, 2019

Each year, the U.S.  State Department issues a Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report, assessing the efforts by foreign governments during the previous year to combat human trafficking. When this report is released individuals committed worldwide to anti-trafficking efforts are publicly honored. This year Sister Gabriella Bottani, the international coordinator of Talitha Kum, was recognized.

2019 Trafficking in Persons Report
U.S. Department of State, June 20, 2019

The annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report) comprehensively assesses what governments around the world are doing to combat human trafficking.

Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, January 2019

This publication offers Catholic dioceses, parishes, religious congregations, schools and universities an in-depth reading and comprehension of modern day slavery to serve as much needed encouragement to anti-trafficking ministries.  The publication’s points can be leveraged in homilies, education, and media.

Google and Sex Traffickers Like
By Nicholas Kristof, New York Times, Sept. 7, 2017

“Sex traffickers in America have the police and prosecutors pursuing them, but they do have one crucial (if secret) ally: Google.”

When ICE Shows Up in Human Trafficking Court
By Beth Fertig, WNYC, June 22, 2017

Immigration advocates are worried that undocumented human trafficking victims will not come to court if they now have to fear the presence of deportation officers.

The Typology of Modern Slavery
By  The Polaris Project, March 2017

Polaris’s research team analyzed the data and developed a classification system that identifies 25 types of human trafficking in the United States. Each has its own business model, trafficker profiles, recruitment strategies, victim profiles, and methods of control that facilitate human trafficking.

Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking
Washington Inter-religious Staff Community, Jan. 2016

This toolkit contains information on the basics of human trafficking and faith-based resources from five different religious traditions.

VIDEO: Heartbreaking stories of Michigan’s sex-trafficking survivors
By Mike Thompson, Detroit Free Press, Dec. 21, 2015

This animation examines the sex-trafficking component of human trafficking, a thriving industry that entraps not just foreign nationals, but Michigan citizens as well.

Human trafficking in the US: Sisters’ networks and ministries break the cycle one life at a time
By Dawn Cherie Araujo, Global Sisters Report, Oct. 19, 2015

A comprehensive piece on the work of U.S. Catholic Sisters addressing human trafficking.

Out of Sight: An Activist in Iraq’s Sex-Trafficking Underworld
By Rania Abouzeid, The New Yorker, Oct. 5, 2015

A former prostitute evades Islamic militias to rescue her country’s most vulnerable women.

Feast of St. Mary of Magdala Prayer Service Packet
Future Church, July 2015

Future Church organizes annual celebrations for the Feast Day of St. Mary of Magdala (July 22). The theme for July 22, 2015, is “Being a Witness for the Victims of Human Trafficking.”

Sex Trafficking in the U.S.: A Closer Look at U.S. Citizen Victims
Polaris Project, May 2015

This issue brief provides crucial insight into the realities of the sex trafficking industry in the United States.

Free Trade at the Cost of Human Slavery?
Jean Christensen, RSM, The Hill, May 16, 2015

The No Fast Track for Human Traffickers amendment  stipulates that the United States cannot enter into formal trade agreements with countries that the State Department identifies as Tier 3 in its annual Trafficking in Persons (TIP) report.

Prayer Service Commemorating St. Josephine Bakhita
Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary  U.S. – Ontario Province, January 2015

Created for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking (Feb. 8)

How a Bar of Soap Can Save a Human Trafficking Victim
Patricia Montemurri, The Detroit Free Press, Jan. 25, 2015

Volunteers deliver  information about human trafficking and specially-wrapped bars of soap to local hotels.

Human Trafficking in America’s Schools
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, Jan. 2015

Schools in the United States are seeing the signs of trafficking involvement among their  students. Homeless, foster and other at-risk youth are particularly vulnerable to being targeted for trafficking.

Daily Prayers to End Human Trafficking 
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, January 2015

This calendar offers a different intention each day related to human trafficking from Jan. 11 (Human Trafficking Awareness Day) through Feb. 8. (The Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita.)

Human Trafficking Modules
U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking, August 2014

The educational modules found on this page include:
•Poverty and Human Trafficking
•Human Trafficking and the Objectification of Women
•Human Trafficking and Pornography
•Human Trafficking & Major Sporting Events
•Reduce the Demand for Human Trafficking No Longer Slaves, But Brothers and Sisters

Pope Francis, The Vatican, Jan. 1, 2015
In his message for the 2015 World Day of Peace (January 1), Pope Francis focused on the theme of human trafficking.

Resolve to Fight Human Trafficking in 2015
Coalition of Catholic Organizations to Fight Human Trafficking, January 2015
A list of actions related to trafficking for the public to commit to as 2015 New Years’ resolutions.

2014 State Ratings on Human Trafficking Laws
The Polaris Project, October 2014
Polaris has rated all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on 10 categories of laws that are critical to a basic legal framework that combats human trafficking, punishes traffickers and supports survivors.

Mary Robinson and John Ruggie call on FIFA to ensure human rights become fully integrated into the football governing body’s decision-making
Institute for Human Rights and Business,  June 11, 2014
In a letter sent to FIFA President Joseph “Sepp” Blatter, Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and John Ruggie, former UN Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, urge football’s governing body to fully integrate human rights considerations into its decision making.

Hong Kong’s Indentured Servants
By Gratiane de Moustier, The New York Times, Feb. 14, 2014
Although Hong Kong has better legal protections for foreign domestic helpers than other Asian countries like Singapore and Malaysia, the laws that govern their living and working conditions are discriminatory and foster an environment that can lead to abuse.

Federal Strategic Action Plan on Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in the United States
The Whitehouse, Jan. 14, 2014
The plan describes the steps that federal agencies will take to ensure that all victims of human trafficking in the United States are identified and have access to the services they need to recover and to rebuild their lives.

Human Trafficking: From Outrage to Action
Ann Gallagher, Dec. 4, 2013
If we are to have any chance of addressing trafficking, we should work towards the elimination of labor recruitment fees; advocate for a global minimum wage; and look at ways of criminalizing the known or reckless use of the services of a victim of trafficking

Statement of the Workshop on Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery
Pontifical Academy of Sciences, November 2013
Vatican statement on human trafficking that resulted from the gathering in Rome Nov. 2-3, 2013.

Pope Francis Steps up Modern Slavery Fight
Huffington Post, Nov. 4, 2013
Pope Francis wants action against modern forms of slavery including forced labor and prostitution, the Vatican said Monday after a meeting of experts called by the pontiff to debate the problem.


Online Videos

Living in the Shadows: Religion’s Response to Human Trafficking
This 26-minute CBS special looks at what faith communities are doing to raise awareness and empower survivors.

Children are Not for Sex: Ashley Judd
YouTube, 2011
Actress and activist Judd introduced the panel “‘No Such Thing:’ Trafficking of Girls in the United States” with a heart-wrenching personal anecdote about a 14-year-old girl who was forced into prostitution in Atlanta.

Web Links

A Light Against Human Trafficking
The official website of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking

Global Modern Slavery Directory
The Global Modern Slavery Directory is a growing, publicly searchable database of more than 770 organizations and hotlines working on human trafficking and forced labor. With over 120 countries represented, the Directory will better enable service providers, law enforcement, policy makers and advocates to both identify modern slavery organizations in specific countries and determine what services are or are not provided in a region.

END IT: Shine a Light on Slavery
END IT is a global social media campaign to increase awareness of human

Resources for Responsible Recruitment
This organization advocates for fair and responsible hiring practices in global supply chains.

Superbowl 2014 Bulletin Insert
By the NY Coalition of Religious Congregations to Stop Trafficking of Persons, January 2014
This insert could be included in a parish bulletin, left in an office, hung up on a bulletin board, included in an e-mail or shared on Facebook

Collaborative Initiative to End Human Trafficking
Toledo, Ohio, is the third largest city in the U.S. for human trafficking. The Sisters of Humility of Mary of Rocky River, Ohio founded and direct the Collaborative to advocate for the prevention and abolition of human trafficking.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
CATW was the first international non-governmental organization to focus on human trafficking, especially sex trafficking of women and girls.

The Code
The Code provides the international tourism industry with a tool to prevent and combat child sex tourism.

Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch works to investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable. Human trafficking is an area of focus.

Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center
The IPJC has an excellent catalog of books, films and other resources on human trafficking.

Know the Chain
Know the Chain is an interactive resource promoting greater transparency and dialogue around issues of slavery in supply chains. Consumers can learn more about actions that companies have taken to eliminate slavery in their supply chain.

Made by Survivors
Donations and profits from the sale of products made by survivors of human trafficking go to support rescue, aftercare, education and employment in regions of the world where trafficking is a huge problem.

The Polaris Project
The Polaris Project is a leading organization in the global fight against human trafficking.

The Protection Project
The goal of the Protection Project is to research and document the global scope of the problem of human trafficking and to influence policy in order to stop it.

UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. Trafficking of children is one of their focus areas.


Stop Trafficking! Anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter
This free electronic newsletter is a forum for exchange of information among women’s religious congregations about the issue of human trafficking.