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Joining Process

Applicants are dedicated to gospel values and committed to personal growth in spirituality. They are attracted to the vision and values of IHM life. They are at least 20 years old and possess a wholesome emotional and spiritual maturity.


Interested people may contact the Associate Office for additional information and/or application materials. Applicants provide three references, including at least one IHM Sister. As the application process nears completion, the Associate Coordinator meets with the applicant to discuss with her/him the appropriate next steps. Together they discern an IHM Sister companion for the orientation process.

Orientation Process

The time of orientation is one of mutual discernment, usually lasting at least nine months. During that time, the associate candidate reflects on areas of spirituality covered in the IHM Associate Journal and meets regularly with an IHM Sister companion. Candidates are encouraged to attend several sessions in which they gather with others in the joining process. The candidate is welcome to participate at other times when IHMs come together to pray, serve, celebrate and take time simply to be with each other.

Read more about recent IHM Associate Commitment ceremonies here.

Contact Us

IHM Associate Office

Barbara Bacci-Yugovich, IHM Associate (right)DSCN6854
Anne Crimmins, IHM (left)
IHM Associate Co-coordinators