Each November, the IHM Gallery hosts a Founders’ Day Exhibit that celebrates our founding in 1845. A small portion of the archives fills the gallery and allows all who view it to marvel at the history and life of the IHM Congregation. The photographs that grace the gallery walls allow us a glimpse into a rich and storied past that influenced the culture and traditions in this area of Michigan and worldwide. It is a rich past and through this show, we are lucky to be reminded of it. The 2023 exhibit is “Habits transformed.”
Heritage: The fire that lights the way- 2022
The IHM Congregation is fortunate to have a department led by a professional such as Jennifer Meacham. Ms. Meacham spends her days stewarding and amassing a vast collection of historical content that illuminates the lives and work of the Sisters of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. Enjoy the 2022 exhibit, “Heritage: The Fire That Lights the Way.”
For the Good of Souls-2021
“For the Good of Souls: The Gifts of the IHM Sisters” was an exhibit that celebrated the 175th anniversary of the IHM Congregation that was featured in the Motherhouse Gallery, Sept- Nov 2021. The exhibit included photos, art, artifacts, and audio and visual recordings from the IHM Archives arranged in 10 distinct displays. IHM Archivist Jennifer Meacham explains: “Our goal was to highlight a variety of topics that paint a picture of IHM history, including many of the accomplishments, the hardships and the joys of IHM sisterhood.”
In his account of the origin of the IHM Congregation, co-founder Rev. Louis Florent Gillet wrote: “… I began, urged by the pressing need of offering Christian education in Monroe, without concerning myself too much about the future of that nascent work, leaving to God alone the care of blessing it and of making it prosper if it were pleasing to Him and useful for the good of souls.”