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Sister Elizabeth Fleckenstein honored Feature Image

Sister Elizabeth Fleckenstein honored

The dedication of All Saints Chapel honors Sister Elizabeth’s legacy

Holy Redeemer honored the legacy of service of Sister Elizabeth Fleckenstein at the dedication of their Grade School Chapel on Jan. 9, 2025. Students led the ceremony of Scripture, prayer and song. These all reflected the many gifts Sister Elizabeth demonstrated during her 44 years at the school.  In addition to the students, faculty (past and present), staff, and many donors and benefactors attended the dedication.  Sister Elizabeth’s heartfelt response embodied the spirit of her love for the Holy Redeemer School community.  She also hoped that the chapel would help inspire others to live lives of compassion, forgiveness,  and peace. 

Congratulations,  Sister Elizabeth!!

Sister Elizabeth wore many hats as a teacher, leader, mentor, and volunteer, always showing her love for God, faith in prayer, and commitment to service.