On Saturday, July 27, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, held a special Jubilee celebration for sisters with milestone anniversaries. Festivities included a reception and Mass with family, friends and sisters in community. Jubilee day is filled with love, joy, celebration and thanksgiving. Congratulations to our 24 Jubilarians! Together, they represent 1,535 years of vowed religious life.
They served in a variety of ministries and places:
- Education (see breakdown below)
- Congregational Administration
(central, provincial) - Pastoral, Parish, Campus, and Youth Ministry
- Spiritual Direction
- Pastoral Care
- Religious Education
- Hospital Chaplaincy
- SSIHM Formation
- Adult and child Formation
- Medical Social Work
- Diocesan work
- Psychology
- Business owner/operators,
self-employed - Visitation House of Prayer
- Social justice advocacy and action in AIDS, food and shelter security, immigration, human rights, children’s health, environment, sustainability, community organizations
- Ministries to the elderly, sick, unhoused, special needs, employment
- Working with these organizations: Freedom House, Children’s Creativity Center, South Austin Caregivers, Groundwork for a Just World, Project Health on Wheels, MOSES, Northern Transitions, EUP Community Dispute Resolution Center, St. Joseph Haitian Mission, Children’s Diagnostic Treatment Center, Covenant House, Great Lakes Bioneers, Gateway Counseling Service, A Nun’s Life Ministry
- 24 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa
- 40 Michigan cities
- 54 years of overseas missions
Their school ministries include 621 years in the classroom as teachers and administrators (pre-kindergarten through college level, plus adult education and special education) in 20 U.S. States, Puerto Rico, South Africa and Mexico. Many of our jubilarians aren’t officially “retired.” Here are some of the types of volunteerism they do:
- IHM SLC Library
- IHM Development Office
- IHM Community Learning
- Retreat Work
- Gardening
- IHM Community Liaison
- Sewing
- Life Enrichment activities
- Memory Care
- Tutoring
80-Year Sisters:
Alys Currier
Marguerite (Edwardia) Gibbs
Remi (Mary Remi) Pauwels
70-Year Sisters:
Carolyn (William Mary) Campbell
Jannita (Jannita Marie) Complo
Laura (Laura Mary) Hardage
Edith Marie Martinek
Madeleine Sophie Weber
60-Year Sisters:
Gail (John Maureen) Addis
Margaret (Mary Hofbauer) Alandt
Annemarie (Marie Juda) Askwith
Camille Brouillard
Judith (John Vincent) Coyle
Mary (Marie Thomas) Downey
Marie Carrine Etheridge
Mary Katherine (Michael Andrew) Hamilton
Gloria Rivera
Margaret (Margarita) Schmidt
Marita Constance Supan
25-Year Sisters:
Joan Chicoine
Julie Vieira