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Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Service Feature Image

Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Service

On Tuesday, Jan. 21, IHM Community will celebrate the life and legacy of MLK, Jr.

On Tuesday, Jan. 21, at 3 p.m. in the Motherhouse Chapel, the IHM Sisters will hold a prayer service to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and legacy. Stephanie Kasprzak of the Monroe County Opportunity Program will join us in prayer and reflection at this service.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who led a nonviolent movement, told us once and again that when faced with hate and violence, “I have decided to stick with love.”  Dr. King Jr., Nobel laureate and an iconic architect of the nonviolent Civil Rights Movement in the United States was also a husband, preacher, and father of four beautiful children. He was animated by the unyielding conviction that love can conquer hate.

  “We embrace the love and nonviolence Dr. King called for and we seek racial,
                social, and economic justice for all.”

Elizabeth Walters, IHM, a staff member for the Justice, Peace and Sustainability Office

To turn prayer into action, the IHM Community will provide meals at the Oaks of Righteousness Warming Shelter in Monroe for six days following the prayer service, from January 20– 26. Another way to support the IHM Community efforts for racial, social, and economic justice is to donate to Selah’s Center of Hope. Selah provides support for women and men who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant and in need of resources as they prepare for the birth of their child.

Creator God,
We thank you for your church, founded upon the Word,
that challenges us to do more than sing and pray, 
but go out and work as though the very answer to our prayers depended on us and not upon you. 
Help us to realize that humanity was created to shine like the stars and live on through all eternity. 
Keep us, we pray, in perfect peace. 
Help us to walk together, pray together, 
sing together, and live together 
until that day when all God’s children 
– Black, White, Red, Brown and Yellow – 
will rejoice in one common band of humanity 
in the reign of Jesus the Christ and of our God, we pray. 

Rev. Martin Luther King