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World AIDS Day Prayer Service Feature Image

World AIDS Day Prayer Service

On Friday, Dec. 1 at 4 p.m. the Sister Servants, Immaculate Heart of Mary invites you to join them for their annual prayer service to commemorate World AIDS Day.  The theme of this year’s prayer is “Let Communities Lead.”  The prayer service is open to the public. Please enter by the front door of the Motherhouse. The service will take place in the Motherhouse Chapel.

In their Chapter 2000 Direction, the IHM community committed itself to “collaborating with other groups to develop an appropriate response to the global pandemic of HIV/AIDS, recognizing especially its devastating impact on the children and future of Africa.”  IHM Sisters have ministered in South Africa from 1969-2023.  Sister Peg O’Shea returned home this year after decades of being committed to the people who are affected by HIV and AIDS.

Sister Joan Mumaw wishes, “May the energy of our prayer support those in need and motivate leaders to work together to eradicate this disease from the face of Earth.”  

“We come together to pray that all people will recognize the equal worth and dignity of every person.  The effects of human rights violations in the context of HIV are profound. We must invest our personal, prayerful and collective energy to reduce inequalities in all areas of life – including in our response to HIV and AIDS.”

IHM Associate and HIV/AIDS Committee Chair Chuck VanVleet