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The Integrating Idea

The Integrating Idea was born from the 1999 MCLRMP discernment process. At that time, social and spiritual needs were calling for personal conversion and structural change; our IHM resources were changing and attention on our land, buildings and energies was needed.

The Integrating Idea became the guide in planning the IHM Motherhouse renovation and campus reconfiguration. Our move back into the renovated Motherhouse in February 2003was a major implementation of that plan.

Our commitment to the Integrating Idea directs us in other significant decisions such as:

  • pursuing licensure for the IHM Health Care Center;
  • partnering with DTE to install the solar array in the old ball field;
  • transferring care of the land to La-Z-Boy for a new corporate headquarters;
  • negotiating for the preservation of the oak savannah for future generations;
  • seeking uses for St. Mary Center, including low-income housing.