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Jubilee 2023 Feature Image

Jubilee 2023

On Saturday, July 29, the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, held a special Jubilee celebration for sisters with milestone anniversaries. Festivities included a reception and Mass with family, friends and sisters in community. Jubilee day is filled with love, joy, celebration and thanksgiving. Congratulations to our 22 Jubilarians! Together, they represent 1,430 years of vowed religious life.

They served in a variety of ministries and places:

  • Education
  • Congregational Administration
    (central and regional)
  • Pastoral, Parish, Campus, and Youth Ministry
  • Pastoral Care
  • Social justice advocacy and action for refugees, farmworkers, migrants, Native Americans, victims of human trafficking, and community organizations
  • Religious Education
  • Hospital, Hospice, and Prison Chaplaincy
  • SSIHM Formation
  • Medical Social Work
  • Working for Compassionate Companions, Meals on Wheels, the River Raisin Institute, and Oaks Christian Ministries
  • Diocesan work
  • Psychology
  • Business owner/operators
  • Visitation House of Prayer
  • Christian Ministries
  • 21 U.S. states, Ontario, Puerto Rico, Brazil, and Honduras
  • 41 Michigan cities
  • 189 years of overseas ministry: Brazil, Honduras, Canada, and Puerto Rico

Their school ministries include 407 years in the classroom as teachers and administrators (pre-kindergarten through college level, plus adult education and literacy) in 87 different institutions and 10 U.S. States, Puerto Rico and Brazil. Many of our jubilarians aren’t officially “retired.” Here are some of the types of volunteerism they do:

  • Tutoring
  • Pastoral Care
  • Liturgy Office
  • IHM SLC Library
  • IHM Development Office
  • IHM Community Learning Programs
  • Retreat Work
  • Assisting migrants on the border